We are dispersing our Brahma herd and are offering breeding packages. Bulls, cows bred back with calves at side, weanlings and yearlings. Singles may be purchased as well as selected breeding groups. These are superior beef animals and excellent bucking stock. Please contact us for more information! 403-626-3344 • blujeans@telusplanet.net
Worf, our senior bull, and his son Johnny. Worf, two years old in this picture. Johnny, a yearling.
Our cattle range over 400 acres on the Waterton River in south western Alberta, Canada. Our Brahma and Brahma cross cattle are used for rodeo bucking stock and beef cattle. Brahma cross cattle are excellent for many markets and climates.
For more information on our cattle, our ranch and our breeding program: Email: blujeans@telusplanet.net Or phone 403-626-3344 Glenwood, Alberta, Canada
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